Thursday 9 April 2015


These passed few days I have been really angry.

Angry at myself, angry with my relationships, angry with decisions I've made, angry with thoughts I've had and angry with life.

There is just SO much going on right now and I can't even comprehend how I will be able to handle the rest of my life if I keep heading in this direction.
I feel like I've been hit by a bus, which then got hit by and train and had a plane crash right on top.

It just seems to me that lately, Every time I try to change something for the better, some other crap comes along and sets me back 10 steps. This can't be how God intended me to live my life, can it?!

I would so much rather cry every freaking moment of every day than be angry. I mean, at least when I cry, then that only effects me. But when I'm angry I have the potential and capability to hurt people I care about.

I just want to shut everything off. Just for one day.
I'm so tired of feeling everything all the time. It's too overwhelming. I can't differentiate between my hurt and the hurt I feel for other people. How do people manage all these freaking emotions? I seriously feeling like I'm going to puberty again! Except this time, I have all the emotions of everyone in the world!

Like, enough already. I can't handle all this anymore!
I just want to yell, and swear and hit things!

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